Playing Disc Golf with Little boys and Big Cows

Playing Disc Golf with Little Boys and Big Cows

      I have been in Macha for approximately one month. This amount of time is not near enough to really know Macha for all that it is. It is beautiful here and so different from any other place that I have been to. I have loved getting to live alongside the people of Macha and have learned so much from them. So what makes Macha, Macha? 

      When a team visits Push The Rock they always climb the infamous water tower. To get to the top, you have to climb a long, sketchy latter approximately 80ft above the ground. When you reach the top, the view is honestly breath taking. My breath was mostly taken away because I was absolutely terrified. I am not a fan of heights and being 80ft above the ground is not my favourite. Besides that though, it’s beautiful! You can see for miles and miles without a city in sight.

      People climb the tower because it is amazing but also because there is not much to do in Macha. Without standard restaurants, shopping, movie theatres or really anything else, you have to find your own entertainment. When you strip away outside distractions, people are left to enjoy people. People always acknowledge others and value being together. Instead of scheduling a time and place to meet for lunch, my friends just ask what I’m doing and if I want to hangout. We then go for walks, play games, or just talk. There’s no need to rush when you are together because time is not a high priority. 

      Valuing people creates an incredible sense community. Kids are free to roam wherever they want without any fear. At a young age they are given great responsibilities. I once played a round of disc golf with a boy who was with three cows. He brought them to the course so that he could play while they ate. You will NEVER see that in the US! 

There are many things that happen here that never happen in the US. Macha is truly an amazing place and it is hard comparing it to where I come from because it is so unique and different. I struggle to write about it because it is unlike anything in the US and you honestly have to be here to truly know what it’s like. I will continue to attempt to keep everyone back home updated and give you all a glimpse into this amazing place called Macha! 


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