Why Have I Not Been Writing?
Why have I Not Been Writing?
1. I've been lazy.
I am REALLY good at procrastinating and as much as I have wanted to write, I have been putting it off.
2. I have been feeling uninspired.
I wrote most of my blog posts either leading up to Zambia or while I was living there. Everything was new and exciting. I felt like people would read what I had to say because I was having this unique experience.
I have since gone back to "normal life" and I am having a harder time finding things to write about.
3. I have not been trusting my voice.
I have sat down to write a blog post since I have been back and felt like I had nothing to bring. "My life is not the same type of exciting." "People might disagree with this or that." "No one is going to read this." I know these things are not all true but thoughts of this nature have been holding me back from sharing. Even now I feel that this post may not even be worth publishing.
I want to be a big arrow pointing people to Jesus. BUT sometimes this arrow is broken. Sometimes it does stupid stuff. Sometimes it points in the wrong direction. Sometimes it is dirty and beat up. Thankfully, I serve a God who fixes my broken pieces. A God who tells me I am being ridiculous and helps me to be better. A God who guides me and points me in the right direction. A God who cleans me off and loves me in the midst of it all. That my friends, is why I am writing this today.
I wasn't planning on saying all of that but there it is.
Hmmmm...sounds to me like you have a voice with something significant to say! And you have an audience! Your struggles are precisely what people want to hear. What they are, how you and God get through them and how others may do the same. Write and clariry, purpose, understanding and how God works will come. I, for one, enjoy your writing.