Macha, Zambia Day 2


 .   Macha day 2! I arrived in Macha yesterday afternoon and spent most of the day in awe that I was actually there. We had to drive a good ways through Zambia before we got to Macha. Though the ride was a little bumpy at times, I was completely content to see all that I could of Zambia. I saw baboons, lots of cows, and even antelope. What I really loved though was the people. Everyone spends most of their time outside which I really loved. People were strolling down the road, selling different things, and just doing life. 

    It has only taken me two days to realize that life in Macha is very different from life in America. I love it. I am obviously still trying to figure everything out but there are a few key things that I quickly respected the people of Macha for. First is that they almost always acknowledge everyone. Whether it is a simple wave or asking how you’ve been, people fully acknowledge other people. Another thing is that the people of Macha are really hard working. They see what needs to be done and they do it. There is also a very joyous atmosphere here. Not that the people here don’t have problems, because they are people and that is all part of life, but there is just something about the way that they live their life that is filled with great joy and excitement. 

     I honestly don’t feel like those simple words do justice to the quality of the culture here. I have also only been here for a very short amount of time therefore, I have a lot more to learn from the people here. Three really challenging, fun, and life changing months are ahead of me and I am looking forward to every second of it! Please continue to keep me in your prayers. This road is not the easiest but there is no doubt in my mind that it is the best! 


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