My Adventure Begins

My Adventure Begins 

    I lay awake one night and asked my sister in the bunk above me a random question, "If you could go anywhere in the world and do anything that you wanted to, what would that look like?" In a sleepy voice she replied, "I have no idea." 

    If you were to ask me at any time in my life I wouldn't even have to think of my answer to that question. "If it was possible, I would want to go to Africa, teach disc golf, and do ministry!" Would be my reply. Little did I know God had a crazy plan for me.

   I have had a burden for Africa on my heart since I was a little girl. When I would envision my future it would look like doing something crazy for the Lord across the world. Where lions and elephants roam is where I saw myself.  As usual, doubts started to creep in. I would frequently ask myself, "is this really what the Lord wants or is it just my imagination?"

   While praying about it one day, I felt the Lord tell me that I just needed to go. So I started looking into different options.  It still remained a dream that was a far away reality. I planned to attend a three month missions school in Mozambique, Africa which eventually fell through and I was left in confusion. Doubts once again filled my thoughts. Why would God call me to do something then close the door?  I had no plan B and felt very lost, confused and frustrated.

    Every time that I prayed and ranted to God about my situation, I felt like he was telling me to relax and just trust Him. So I did. Two weeks later while attending the 2018 Junior World Championships, my mom was sharing all my business with the best possible people to talk to about my missions trip being cancelled. This is where it gets crazy.

    Dustin and Hannah Leatherman were planning a disc golf missions trip to Zambia, Africa. That would've been an amazing opportunity and experience but it gets even better. They had dreamed of the possibility of having a disc golf intern to the people of Zambia. The intern would live in Zambia for three months and teach disc golf along with doing ministry to the people there. 

   You can probably guess by now that I was sold on the idea. My mom excitedly told me about her conversation with the Leathermans and encouraged me to pray about this opportunity. Which I did but to be honest, as soon as I heard about it I knew that this was exactly what the Lord had planned for me. 

    Tomorrow I will get on a plane destined for Africa. The time leading up to this moment has not been the smoothest ride. To be honest it has been quite difficult. Yesterday I said goodbye to my favorite people in the world, my family which was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do.

   Countless thoughts have run through my head between my commitment to the internship but not one of them has been doubtful. From the moment I heard about this opportunity, I have known that it was meant for me. It is scary, unknown and intimidating but I am confident that I am in God's will which is the safest place to be.

    For the next three months I will begin by helping run a PDGA event and several clinics. I will focus on incorporating disc golf into the ministry there whatever that may look like. Training the Push The Rock staff to continue to invest in disc golf will also be a high priority. I will do my best to keep everyone updated and I can't wait to share all of my adventures with you all! I am believing that the Lord will do some amazing things! Zambia here I come!  


  1. This is going to be such an awesome experience for you! Embrace every moment, learn all that you can, and enjoy it as you do what you love for Jesus.


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