Let Go and Hold On

Let Go and Hold On

     By stepping away from everything that was familiar and submerging myself in a new and very different culture, I feel that I am constantly learning lessons. Anywhere from simple lessons like how to say a new Tonga word to deeper more spiritual matters. One of the many lessons that the Lord has been teaching me is to let go and hold on. 

     72 days ago I left Baton Rouge. I let go of my family, friends, food and fellowship from those who knew me well. I took a 50lb bag of clothes and a disc golf bag full of discs. The two things that I knew would be familiar in both places was the Lord and disc golf. I was letting go of everything. There was something incredibly freeing about this concept yet I still felt trapped at times. 
     Entering a culture and place that you know nothing about is incredibly difficult. I had never left the country before this trip. The culture in the US was the only one that I knew. The first couple of weeks were difficult but doable. I arrived with a team which meant that I was not the only foreigner or visitor who knew little. It was a couple of weeks after the team left that I began to feel the effects of culture shock. 

     I felt that I knew nothing. This culture is so rich and different from my own, I was feeling like I was just getting lost in it all. I missed the things that I let go of. Things that were familiar. Things that I knew and loved. Things that made me feel at home. Thinking about these matters started to cause me to miss out on the opportunities in front of me.  When I realised this, I refused to let it take over and ruin my time in this amazing place. 
     I called on the Lord and told him how I was feeling. I then felt Him whisper to me that He is all that I should hold on to. People will let you down, comfort will betray you, things are not constant or promised but God will always be with you. He never leave you or forsake you, he is constant and dependable. In this life, my Lord is the only on that I should hold on to. I have a hard time with this. I want to hold on to things that I can see, that seem predictable and comfortable. If I do that, I will end up disappointed and broken. Jesus Christ has to be my foundation. I am nothing without Him. With His strength, I can do anything. Learning to let go of the things of this world and hold on to the Lord is not always easy but it is by far the best way to live! 

     Truly he is my rock and my salvation, he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and honour depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in hum at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. Psalm 62:6-8 


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